Social Advocacy & Politics: Leveraging Publicly Available Social Media Data for Opposition Research | Social Media Today Daily

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Social Advocacy & Politics: Leveraging Publicly Available Social Media Data for Opposition Research

Posted: 03 Dec 2013 08:59 PM PST

When it comes to social media, it is really hard to hide what you are doing. You can surprise people with your strategy when you launch a campaign, but once it is out there, it is hard to keep what you are doing a secret. That is the nature of being social.

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Crisis Communication Lessons from Ukraine’s Unfolding Political Drama

Posted: 03 Dec 2013 08:52 PM PST

Protests are continuing on the streets of Ukraine's capital, Kiev, as hundreds of thousands of citizens from across the country have joined forces to call for the immediate resignation of the country's president, Victor Yanukovich. There are valuable lessons in appropriate crisis communications to be gleaned from the ongoing political drama.

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Why Your Social Strategy Is Not One Size Fits All

Posted: 03 Dec 2013 08:00 PM PST

Marketers, we have a problem. We're at the apex of the perfect storm: we're strapped for time, with more content than ever to promote on more social networks than ever before. When faced with this challenge, we can easily forget the golden rule of social media marketing: One size doesn't fit all.

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5 Ways Oktopost Can Improve Your LinkedIn Marketing

Posted: 03 Dec 2013 05:47 PM PST

Managing your presence on LinkedIn, engaging across various groups and tracking engagement can be a complex and time consuming task. Oktopost is a social media management platform developed for B2B marketers with a focus on LinkedIn. Here, we explore five ways it can improve your marketing.

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Reengineering for the Age of Social Selling: Structuring the Modern Sales Team

Posted: 03 Dec 2013 09:55 AM PST

Last week I moderated another webinar in the Social Media Today Best Thinkers webinar series, this time on the topic of Reengineering for the Age of Social Selling: Structuring the Modern Sales Team. Panelists included Jill Rowley, Sandy Carter, and Anneke Seley.

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Content Marketing Questions to Ask and Answer [INFOGRAPHIC]

Posted: 03 Dec 2013 08:38 AM PST

This infographic from AboutUs is a solid overview of the questions we need to ask as content marketers. It shows you how to follow the principles of journalism for great content marketing - namely, asking and answering Who, What, When, Where, Why and How.

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Study: Business Elite Increasingly Embraces Mobile Technology

Posted: 03 Dec 2013 02:51 AM PST

A new European study by CNBC called "Europe's Mobile Elite 2013" shows that most business leaders own a mobile device (90%), live and like the mobile business and are agreeing that life is "easier" (68%). Even more, 64% see their lives becoming more productive and enjoyable.

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How One Company Used Social Media to Get 80,000 Facebook Fans to Follow a Product Before It Launched

Posted: 03 Dec 2013 01:05 AM PST

"We knew BIOWARS was up against a lot of established competitors in the field. To stand out, we figured we needed to create a buzz about our story before the launch; to create some anticipation and buy-in of the story and characters so that people would look forward to the actual product," says Gabriel Shaoolian, a digital trends expert.

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Warming Up Your Innovation Engine

Posted: 03 Dec 2013 01:00 AM PST

The complaint I hear most often from my peers is that they simply don't have time to think anything through. Shorter deadlines, smaller staffs and endless emails leave limited minutes for quiet contemplation, let alone inspired creativity. Six award-winning CMOs weigh in on how they keep innovating despite all the impediments.

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What Happens When Marketing and IT Collaborate? [SLIDESHARE]

Posted: 03 Dec 2013 01:00 AM PST

While marketing has a leading role in the adoption of social channels with a focus on building awareness, the benefits of increased collaboration between Marketing and IT include stronger/more compelling marketing messages and significant operational benefits, such as faster speed to market, greater product and service adoption, and fewer defects in products and services.

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Dreamforce 2013: What Salesforce1 Actually Means

Posted: 03 Dec 2013 01:00 AM PST

Is there really such a center of gravity that over 100,000 people would care to pay attention and invest time, money and resources in attending a software vendor's user conference? Maybe if Green Day, Sean Penn, Marissa Meyer, Sheryl Sandberg, and Deepak Chopra were to attend (which they did), it would make a little more sense.

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5 Things Every Small Business Owner Should Know About Social Media

Posted: 03 Dec 2013 01:00 AM PST

Things have changed online. Gone are the days when having a website was "chic" and enough. Oh, the good ol' days. While it now takes a bigger investment to succeed online, the benefits outweigh any excuses you can come up with. The fact of the matter is you have to be active on social networks.

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2014: Predictions for the Year of Relentless Curiosity

Posted: 03 Dec 2013 01:00 AM PST

Despite the explosive growth and relentless power of technology, 2014 will be the year when our own human power of relentless curiosity will connect us to an easier, smarter and more meaningful relationship with ourselves, our families, our communities, our countries and our planet.

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Is Your Twitter App Creating Negative Social Proof?

Posted: 03 Dec 2013 01:00 AM PST

A perfect example of a brand leveraging social proof are major publishers (such as Mashable and Forbes) who showcase the number of shares, likes and/or views for each post or article. They are hoping that an article will generate more visibility and shares once people see its popularity.

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10 Tips from Guy Kawasaki on Building a Social Media Following [SLIDESHARE]

Posted: 03 Dec 2013 01:00 AM PST

Guy mentioned that he often hears social media 'experts' say to only post to their fanpages once or twice a day. He says they are wrong, that you should update more often and I agree. The more often I post on any fanpage the more reach I get. Not only do I reach more people in general, I reach more of my own fans.

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7 Steps to Successful Content Marketing [INFOGRAPHIC]

Posted: 03 Dec 2013 01:00 AM PST

Content marketing is non-interruptive. Instead of overtly trying to sell something to your audience, you consistently create and deliver valuable information that educates them. Ultimately they reward you by purchasing your products, recommending them to friends via social media channels and word-of-mouth, and acting as brand ambassadors.

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Does Your Online Marketing Plan Look Like an Old Cartoon?

Posted: 03 Dec 2013 12:30 AM PST

So, how can you stop your online marketing plan from reminding you of a cartoon where the character gets bashed in the head again and again with a frying pan? You start by learning four lessons from their troubles and applying them to what you're doing.

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Building, Growing and Sustaining Social Communities [SLIDESHARE]

Posted: 03 Dec 2013 12:20 AM PST

Nurturing communities to earn the support and develop tribes of loyal brand evangelists takes time. Business leaders must learn fast that it is a journey, not a destination. Earning the trust of community members requires trust, investment of time, resources, content that inspires and connects.

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