Twitter Reveals the Hate Behind the Politician | Social Media Today Daily

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Twitter Reveals the Hate Behind the Politician

Posted: 10 Dec 2013 08:59 PM PST

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), Tea Party darling, tweeted condolences to Mandela's family and the people of South Africa. But as they say, no good deed goes unpunished. The outpouring of hatred, bigotry and intolerance from Ted Cruz's right-wing base flooded his Facebook page and Twitter timeline.

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40 Most Popular Social Networking Sites of the World

Posted: 06 Oct 2012 02:44 AM PDT

"Social networking" has been around forever.

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Fortune 50 Online Newsroom Social Media Integration

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 07:20 AM PST

I recently saw a tweet that mentioned that "only 13% of Fortune 100 online newsrooms had share, like, or tweet features" and thought that number was extremely low. For research purposes, I decided to do a quick study of the Fortune 50 and focused on 4 areas of social media while looking at each of their online newsrooms.

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4 Tools/Techniques to Help You Monitor Your Brand

Posted: 16 Sep 2011 08:48 AM PDT

So what are people saying about your brand in the social sphere? Do you know? Have you researched and listened to what is being said? How to get started monitoring your brand when you don't have a big budget for "customer buzz" tools!

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Social Media: Rules of Engagement

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 10:59 PM PDT

"Every social media professional will guarantee you that their "rules of engagement" are the best. If you boil it down to the nuts and bolts all prescribed rules are basically the same repackaged core principles. I've combed the web and assembled my favorites."

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7 Fantastic Resources for Great Content Marketing Ideas

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 10:05 AM PDT

According to a recent study by the Custom Content Council 73% of consumers prefer to get their information about an organization in articles rather than advertisements. That means it's more important than ever to include custom content in your marketing mix. Doing so will help drive purchases, improve relationships, and give your customers useful information in a medium they prefer. Here are 7 resources to help you never run out of content marketing ideas.

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Social Media’s Great Dividing Gulf

Posted: 01 Sep 2011 02:57 AM PDT

"Accessibility is the dividing gulf of social media. It may be the reason why many feel they can call themselves 'experts'. But does understanding the language make us experts? I would say no. We need to make social media more accessible to the masses to show who the real experts are. So, how can we do this?"

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Developing a Unique Content Strategy for Google+

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 01:55 PM PDT

It's important to differentiate your strategy for Google+ from what you're doing on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. There are simple ways to do it, and stake out an important place for Google+ in your content marketing strategy.

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Social Media – Open Platform for Free Speech or for Government Control

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 06:59 AM PDT

"...businesses that are heavily reliant upon internet and other forms of digital communication platforms should include this type of civil unrest and the loss of digital communications within their emergency crisis plans."

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Social Media – Oversold and Undervalued

Posted: 29 Aug 2011 01:35 PM PDT

"Sales by conversation are an illusion created by people more focused on building personal brands than exploring and developing a new channel. The new media gurus adopted a 'sell and destroy' strategy that effectively promoted networking as the only future of marketing and blamed failed attempts by others on insufficient awesomeness."

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There are Three Kinds of Lies: Lies, Damned Lies, and Social Media Metrics

Posted: 29 Aug 2011 05:59 AM PDT

"The numbers that matter from social media participation are sales, costs, and satisfaction. If sales don't increase, costs decrease, and/or satisfaction improves, your online activity is a waste of time. Staying focused on the right numbers keeps the new math from getting in the way of your company's growth and profitability."

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Beer Companies Hopping Into Social Media – Part 1, Big Brands

Posted: 28 Aug 2011 01:45 AM PDT

Designing Metrics for Online Customer Communities

Posted: 28 Aug 2011 01:00 AM PDT

LinkedIn Success: Build a Strong Foundation

Posted: 27 Aug 2011 04:12 PM PDT

In the most recent LinkedIn Diaries article, I highlighted critical activities that you need to take offline to optimize LinkedIn success. However, to ensure that LinkedIn helps you achieve your goals, also take the following steps to establish a strong LinkedIn foundation:

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Google+ Says No To Pseudonyms

Posted: 27 Aug 2011 04:35 AM PDT

Google+ will now ban the use of pseudonyms and nicknames, requiring people to use their real name. This is in line with Google's Common Names Policy. The policy was supposed to fight spam and prevent the creation of fake profiles.

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Why Twitter Matters To Marketers Now More Than Ever

Posted: 27 Aug 2011 02:38 AM PDT

A recent report on Twitter users and a recent development re: Twitter's functionality should make every marketer sit up and take notice of Twitter, if they haven't already that is.

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Pizza Hut's Social Media Mistake

Posted: 26 Aug 2011 05:56 PM PDT

Pizza Hut Southern California's Facebook Page suffered a little social media embarrassment Thursday night, thanks to one little checkbox.

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Google Plus vs. Facebook… What’s the Difference?

Posted: 26 Aug 2011 03:32 PM PDT

On 28th June, 2011 Google rolled out the beta version of its highly anticipated social networking site, Google Plus. It is no secret that Google has long been wanting to get a slice of the social networking market. So, what exactly is Google Plus and how does it compare to Facebook? In this post we are going to look at Google Plus Versus Facebook and examine some of their major differences.

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The Right Social Media Mindset

Posted: 26 Aug 2011 03:09 PM PDT

How is digital media impacting business? Where should they invest? And what can we expect next? I've found that many companies are very focused on the use of social media tools but are not capable of balancing the use of tools with the right social media marketing mindset.

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The Power of Crowd and Place: A Conversation with Jeff Kirchick from SCVNGR

Posted: 26 Aug 2011 11:13 AM PDT

Jeff Kirchick is the Universities and Schools Specialist for SCVNGR, a gaming platform about doing challenges at places. I first met Jeff at the CASE Social Media Conference in San Francisco where he was organizing a "trek" for the conference. It was the most fun I'd had participating in extra-curricular activities at a conference. I asked Jeff to talk a little about how SCVNGR uses the power of "the crowd and place."

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