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Guest Blogging, the Fork and My Take :)

Posted: 20 Jan 2014 03:07 PM PST

guest blogging Guest Blogging, the Fork and My Take :)I figured I’d write this article instead of saying it again and again all over the web (because for some reason all people want to hear my opinion!)

So, to answer everyone’s concerns: MyBlogGuest is NOT going to allow nofollow links or paid guest blogging (even though Matt Cutts seems to be forcing us to for whatever reason).

Instead we will keep promoting the pure and authentic guest blogging concept we believe in.

Now that I’ve said that, let me explain…

I am an SEO who stopped depending on organic rankings long ago.

I believe in the Internet and its ability of giving little people (like myself) the power of being heard. I can say, I don’t care about Google.

I don’t think Google is THE Internet.

Google is NOT your friend or your partner. If you grow big enough, Google is likely to become your competitor. Do you really want to depend on Google?

I choose to be successful with or without Google. The power is in people.

So, you are a beginner blogger…

…who wants to be heard. What options do you have nowadays?

If someone likes your content and wants to publish it and reference you, what’s broken here?


If someone wants to contribute to your blog and you LOVE what they have to say? Do you need to be on your own because Google wants you to be alone?


You want to depend on Google, good luck with that.

You want to be heard, then screw Google and keep doing the legit things you can – to get heard.

brian Guest Blogging, the Fork and My Take :)

Build the quality!

That’s my way…

I just keep doing what I have learned throughout the years (and what works!). And I’ll keep helping people like I did.

That’s the idea of both MyBlogGuest and ViralContentBuzz.

We keep helping people get their words out there by building relationships with each other!

nofollow Guest Blogging, the Fork and My Take :)We are against…

  • Paid guest posts (We want you to love the content; Paid options would ruin that!)
  • Nofollow links (Because we believe in the natural links and the web that’s built upon them)

What we promote…

  • Original perspectives
  • Real relationships
  • Author bios that give the author the deserved (!) credit
  • Article placed for the sake of the article quality (no other reasons!)

The Future?

Call me naive but I believe in what I preach. If there are enough people who want to be heard and don’t depend on anyone/thing, we’ll keep helping those people as long as we can!

Will MBG change any of the existing policies?google Guest Blogging, the Fork and My Take :)

That’s something we *always* think about… With or without Google, we *have* to be flexible and react fast as there will always be people who will find new ways to abuse MBG…

I am not jumping to any conclusions here. We’ve adapted our tools and policies several times while still sticking to the main ideas we believe in. The latter will not change. That’s for sure.

Read further: Two Secrets and a Google Story
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