Retain Your Employees Like a Boss from We Blog Better

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Retain Your Employees Like a Boss

Posted: 05 Feb 2014 09:00 PM PST

imageBeing a great boss is all about responsibility. This includes establishing a work environment that is open, nurturing, and encouraging for your employees. Sure, in this economy, nobody will actually want to lose their jobs or turn in their resignation. However, if you are a slave-driving boss who doesn't respect the opinions and expertise of your employees, they will have little choice but to eventually quit.

Showing your employees that they are valued is important to keeping them around. Remember our economy argument above? Chances are, your employees were not picky when they got this job—they just have to get one. That said, despite their acceptance of the job, working for your company might not be the best fit for them, or the right choice for their particular skillset or training.

A study has shown that of the two-thirds of all American employees who are satisfied with their current employment, 25 percent said they plan to make a career change within the next two years. This might be a scary figure, especially for supervisors at companies with high attrition rates.

But it's not too late. There are tried and true techniques for making your employees enjoy working with you so much that they will seriously consider staying. Check out these four surefire tips for facilitating employee retention, and watch as workplace morale rises.

1.     R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Find out what it means for your employees.

Never forget that while your employees rank below you, you're all still equals in the grand scheme of things. All of you are human beings, working your way through the corporate ladder. Too many offices are centered around terrible, horrific bosses who control their subordinates through fear. This only causes workplace gossip, widespread complaining, and may even engender feelings of rebellion. People generally do not take kindly to dictators.

Instead, promote positive reinforcement. Instead of barking out orders all of the time, trust that your well-trained staff are competent for the tasks at hand. If they slip up somewhere along the way, give out gentle reprimands that are focused on areas for improvement and not the mistakes that they made. If you actually walk the walk, there's no need to talk the talk.

2.     Promotions!

This goes hand-in-hand with giving your employees the respect that they deserve, particularly the positive reinforcement philosophy. As much as possible, promote your employees whenever it is appropriate. When they see an outsider instantly occupy a higher position that they currently hold, it will likely take a toll on their morale, especially when they have been working at their post for years.

Provide a clear path for promotion from the outset of your staff's employment. If this is not indicated early on, frustration is very likely to set in. If they do not feel appreciated for their efforts, or see no possible future for all the hard work they're putting in, they can halt or slow down their work altogether.

Their current status can be assessed via so-called "stay" interviews, which lets you play informal catch-up with them. See how they view the company so far and check their performance. You never know, they may be long overdue a much-needed promotion.

3.     Keep the Workplace as Fun as Possible

All work and no play make your staff dull employees. While execs who try overly hard to be fun-loving tend to get their fair share of eye rolls, there are plenty of ways to make the office a fun place to be.

Don't be too rigid in your rules, treat them to lunch every now and then, and strike up relationships with every one of your employees. People tend to gravitate towards a personal touch, and a family environment at work can do wonders towards productivity.

4.     Do Right by Them with Salary and Benefits

Nobody likes being overworked and underpaid. A huge percentage of overall stress is caused by not having enough money to make ends meet. Ensure that your employees are being paid above the average for their particular skillset, and reward them with bonuses for jobs especially well-done. To promote healthy competition in the workplace, offer "bounties" if they reach certain targets for the month—productivity can only increase as a result.

Salary is, of course, tempered with a robust benefits package. Health, sick leave, insurance, and a set number of days off per year—convertible to cash—are just some of the great ways you can entice your employees to stay. Useful office amenities, like a free canteen and a gym, will also help.

At the end of the day, it's all about how you treat your people. As a leader, your employees look up to you as an example of how to act and how to work. If you are a good role model, then they will be more inclined to work for both you and the company. This excellence of character extends even to employees who are leaving—provide the benefit of an exit interview and use that as a tool to improve.

How have these tips helped you become a better boss and retain your employees? How else are you maintaining your workforce? Sound off in the comments below!

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