Social Startups: Screen-Bridge Connects Production Companies with Fans for Best Social TV Experience | Social Media Today Daily

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Social Startups: Screen-Bridge Connects Production Companies with Fans for Best Social TV Experience

Posted: 05 Feb 2014 08:59 PM PST

"We plan the audience's social television experience before the show is sold and package it as part of the show's story," Witkower says. "If the show is picked up, we arrange time throughout the production to film and photograph additional content while using the resources already paid for on set."

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Content Is Your Best Product

Posted: 05 Feb 2014 06:20 PM PST

If you value your content like you value a product, you realise that you have the opportunity to "sell" your product every time you create and publish content. Usually, the content that sets us apart is the content we create ourselves, our own crafted content. Here are several ways to go about creating good content.

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A Decade of Facebook: 10 Things the Social Network Changed Forever

Posted: 05 Feb 2014 05:00 PM PST

Ten years ago Tuesday, Facebook launched in the Harvard dorm room of the now infamous Mark Zuckerberg. Today, the social networking site boasts 1.23 billion members worldwide (1 in 6 people) and has 350 million photos uploaded and 6 million "likes" every single day.

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Social Media Jobs are Being Replaced by Social Media Tools?

Posted: 05 Feb 2014 09:45 AM PST

In 2014, with tools to track and analyze conversations, as well as plan and manage workflow, it is possible to tackle social media in a much more efficient manner and while people will always be needed to create content, jobs that are focused on tracking, planning and managing social media accounts are going to disappear.

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Why Your Website Gets Less Traffic from Search Engines: It's Old

Posted: 05 Feb 2014 09:00 AM PST

Unlike a classic car, your website will drop in value if you keep everything original intact. Older websites, even those with a large user base making numerous repeat visits, will start to slide on search engine results pages (SERPS). Don't worry though, this blog will help you bust out the polish and get your website ranking highly again.

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Super Bowl Post-Game Highlights: Social Media Stars Shine on the Big Stage

Posted: 05 Feb 2014 07:33 AM PST

According to Twitter, a record 24.9 million tweets mentioning the Super Bowl in some way were sent out during the big game. This year more than half of Super Bowl ads included some mention of social media, with most of those mentions being hashtags. Here were some of the standouts.

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Two Very Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Marketer

Posted: 05 Feb 2014 05:00 AM PST

It's the idea of creating something beautiful, telling a captivating story, or communicating a message that resonates and drives change that truly attracts people to the marketing industry. Yet, the reality of marketing is less sugar plums and lollipops and more insights and analytics. Or at least, it should be.

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Duplicate Content: Why Attorneys Create It and How To Avoid It

Posted: 05 Feb 2014 02:06 AM PST

Of course, not all duplication is accidental. In many instances, attorneys create duplicate content believing it to be a correct and appropriate practice. For example, when writing about case law or statutory changes, many lawyers will recite relevant portions of the source material with an appropriate citation to authority.

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If You Want My Data, Reward Me

Posted: 05 Feb 2014 12:25 AM PST

We are fast moving to a world where consumers demand to own their own data and get rewarded for sharing it. Soon, social media platforms like Facebook might need to give users reward points for every post, or number of likes. The "free" Facebook model is anything but – users are essentially paying with their data, and not getting much in return.

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Pinterest for Writers and Authors: How to Market Your Book

Posted: 05 Feb 2014 12:00 AM PST

Pinterest is one of the most influential – yet often overlooked – social media platforms. This is especially true for writers. Writers are driven by words; therefore, a marketing venue that is dominated by images seems inconsequential. If you are a writer who is interested in marketing a book, here's how you do it with the Pinterest.

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New Survey Reveals Top Workplace Trends for 2014

Posted: 04 Feb 2014 11:48 PM PST

Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology surveyed some 8,000 industrial-organisational psychologists to unearth what they believed to be the top 10 workplace trends of 2014. Many of these will be familiar to readers of this blog, but some might be new. Check them out and see what you think.

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6 Free, Easy WordPress Security Safeguards: Don't Let Pirates Drop Anchor in Your Lagoon!

Posted: 04 Feb 2014 11:00 PM PST

My blog isn't huge but, thanks to social sharing and a little syndication, it is beginning to gain a bit of traction. I'm proud to say that traffic grew by 1,685 percent in 2013. Like every serious blogger, growth brings content theft issues that have pushed me to make some security changes along the way.

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Which Brand Won the Social Super Bowl? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Posted: 04 Feb 2014 10:00 PM PST

The holy grail of American football was yet again a celebration of the big brands' commercials. The online buzz leading up to February 2nd was, of course, massive, but it was Game Day itself that made our servers explode! Have a look at the infographic below or read on to find out which brands and commercials captivated the coveted Super Bowl spotlights.

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Leveraging Google Plus Communities to Market Your Business

Posted: 04 Feb 2014 10:00 PM PST

A community is a great place to share questions, comments, and views with other users who are interested in the conversation. Using a Google+ Community becomes easier, once you get a feel of how to use Google Plus for your business. With Google+ Community, you get the freedom to network within your industry.

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Why Social Media Writers Are in Demand

Posted: 04 Feb 2014 10:00 PM PST

Nearly three-quarters of all internet users use social media and it is the content produced by social media writers that influences them. Unlike copy writers, social media writers are a highly specialized and creative lot. They're both in demand and compensated well for their services.

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Why Treating Super Bowl Spots Like Video Content is an Effective Strategy

Posted: 04 Feb 2014 09:39 PM PST

Over the last several years, I've had a sense that Super Bowl advertisers have been increasingly adopting a strategy of debuting their big Super Bowl TV spots in advance of the big game. And I'm sure I'm not alone here.

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Nonprofits: Avoid Digital Sharecropping Before It’s Too Late

Posted: 04 Feb 2014 09:00 PM PST

Digital third-party platforms are excellent ways for nonprofits to reach new online audiences, especially given their frequently low costs and barriers to entry. However, over-reliance on these channels can cause problems, especially when they represent a significant source of fundraising.

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The Three Steps to Achieving LinkedIn Success

Posted: 04 Feb 2014 09:00 PM PST

Think you don't have enough time for social media? Or, are just you not sure how to use it to achieve your business goals? LinkedIn doesn't have to be complicated; what it comes down to is understanding the three best practices that allow you to build and maintain a successful presence.

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