TemplatesUs |
- Submit blogger sitemap to yahoo to index your web pages
- How to track your blog visitors?
- Add Star ratings widget to your blog posts & get instant feed back from the readers
- 6 FREE ways to DOUBLE your blog traffic in less than a week
- Submit blog to blog directories and increase the traffic
- How To Embed-YOUTUBE video,movie in your blog
- All WPMUdev Plugins Pack - January 2014 Updated
- Kimmia – MojoThemes Retina Responsive WordPress Theme
- Heat v1.3 - Themeforest Premium Portfolio WordPress Theme
Submit blogger sitemap to yahoo to index your web pages Posted: 05 Feb 2014 06:36 PM PST This post explains how to submit your blogger sitemap to Yahoo.By submitting your sitemap to yahoo, they will index your web pages in yahoo search engine and provide you with detailed information related to your blog like which pages are linking to yours,popular pages in your site and you can submit and track feeds for your sites. Also,you have the choice to delete any urls of your blog if you won't want to index certain pages of your site. Submitting your site to yahoo is easy and give your web pages more exposure. All you need is a YAHOO ACCOUNT(ID).However,you don't need an yahoo ID to know the information like how many pages are indexed,etc.But,if your blog is a new one or no pages in your blog are indexed(type your blog url in yahoo search and see to check whether your web pages are indexed or not), then you want Yahoo id to submit your sites,feeds,etc. Let't see how to make yahoo index your webpages by submitting your blog sitemap. 1.Go to Yahoo Site Explorer 2.Click on the 'Sign in' link which is at the top of the page,see the screenshot below(If you don't have a Yahoo id, you can get one here) and sign into your accoutnt. ![]() 3.Type your blog url in the box provided as shown in the below screenshot.Don't forget to replace the 'yourblogurl' with the original url of your blog and click on the 'Add My Site' ![]() ![]() Another one is to 'adding a metatag' which is possible and the only way to verify ownership for bloggers.First,copy the metatag.. ![]() ![]() Note:Don't remove the metatag,they will revalidate your ownership by checking your ownership regularly. 5.Next,go back to the 'Site explorer home', and check the box next to your blog url and click on the Manage button. ![]() 6.Type rss.xml or atom.xml in the box provided.It helps yahoo to discover more of your site content via your rss or atom feeds and to index your blog pages quickly whenever your blog is updated.Next,click on the add feed button. ![]() ![]() That's it.Now,you have sucessfully submitted your blog sitemap to yahoo.Check your account after a couple of days and you will see your blog indexed in yahoo search engine. Meanwhile,if you didn't submitted your blog sitemap to google,please read this about How to Submit your blog sitemap to Google |
How to track your blog visitors? Posted: 05 Feb 2014 06:34 PM PST As a new blogger(webmaster),it is always interesting to know how many people are visiting your blog/site,pageviews,where they are coming from,which sites are referring,how many are coming via Search Engines(google,yahoo,etc) and what they are typing in the search engines to visit your site. These stastistics are very handy interms of improving your blog and it is for FREE If you search the google,you will find hundreds of sites which will track the visitors of your blog/site.But,some sites will provide more information about your visitors than the others. So,how to do this? Here are the best tracking sources interms of the feautures they provide. Note:One thing is common for all the tracking sites.First you need to register,and provide the necessary information about your blog/website.Next,they will give you a html code and you have to embed it in your blog. How to do that in blogger? 1.Sign in to your blogger dashboard. 2.Click on the 'layout' link next to your blog name. 3.Click on the "Add a Page element" 4.Select "html/javascript" and past the code they provide and SAVE THE CHANGES. From then,your blog will be tracked and you can check your blog stats from time to time after logging in to your registrate's website. So,here are the good ones:- ![]() Sitemeter.com:This one is one of the Most Popular tracking source.This is as simple as 123. Just create an account,copy the code from your account and paste it in your blog as suggested above. You have also the option to keep your blog stats PRIVATE. They will give you the stats on how many pageviews(hits) per day,unique visitors,geolocation of the visitors,how many users online,and much more...As it is simple(not much animation),you site will load as fast as it is before.Stats are updated hourly. You can setup a Free Account here ![]() Histats.com:Unlike the Sitemeter which is very simple, this site will have very cool and animated counters. ![]() ![]() ![]() Tracking is updated every 5 minutes.I personally using this site for my blogs.Like Sitemeter, this is also have the option to keep your site stats PRIVATE. They will provide Animated graphs about your site visitors and fully animative. You can register with them here ![]() Statcounter.com:Same here!As in the name,it is a stats counter.It is fast,free,and quick loading. Invisible tracking is available and no ads on your site.All the stats are in real time and super fast.It is not much animated as histats.com.They will provide pageviews,unique vistors,visitors activity,search engine wars,keyword analysis,and many more.. Register a free counter for your blog here |
Add Star ratings widget to your blog posts & get instant feed back from the readers Posted: 05 Feb 2014 06:33 PM PST Are you curious about what readers are thinking about your posts? then, you can add this beautiful looking outbrain 5 stars rating button to your blogger,wordpress,typepad,etc.You can also use this ratings button in any webpage.By adding this,you will automatically get the beautiful five stars rating widget just below every post. ![]() Most of the visitors feel a bit lazy to write a comments,so with this widget,they will help them and rate your posts as easy as 123. You can get this rating widget here.Thanks to outbrain for providing this great widget. |
6 FREE ways to DOUBLE your blog traffic in less than a week Posted: 05 Feb 2014 06:32 PM PST 6 FREE WAYS TO DOUBLE YOUR BLOG TRAFFIC IN LESS THAN A WEEK: Everyone want's traffic.You set up a blog with great content but,no one is visiting your blog,so what's the use of it.So, you need atleast a decent amount of traffic and what's great than getting that traffic for FREE? So,here is the good list of 6 Free ways to get traffic to your blog. 1.SEARCH ENGINE:Yea! it brings lots of traffic to your blog.There are millions of people search in the search engines like Google,Yahoo,msn everyday.So,if your blog has so many good posts and is well indexed by google,etc..you will get a good amount of traffic via search engines.There are a few steps to look at if you want a decent amount of traffic from the search engines like "submitting your blog sitemap to google",yahoo to index you blog pages very quickly.And the other important one is adding meta tags to your blog.If you follow these two simple steps,then you will get a decent traffic(massive traffic if your content is good). 2.Submitting your blog to Blog Directories:You may know this before,submitting your blog to blog directories will bring you a good traffic. Here is a good list of blog directories(there are so many directories,but the below one's will bring you a good traffic).Most of these blog directories ask you to register before you submit your blog.My suggestion is,create a new email address solely for this purpose so,your personal emails are not flooded with the emails sent by the blog administrators,etc. You can find the Blog directories list here. 3.Participate in forums,groups,etc:Just go to google and enter your [major keyword + fourm] or [keyword+groups] and search.Suppose,your blog is about blogging,then search 'Blogging forum'.You will find some forums,groups related to your site.Register in the forums and post articles,etc with a link back to your blog(as a signature).Answer questions,clarify doubts and provide a link to your blog.But,Dont' SPAM. 4.Social Bookmarking:Social Bookmarking is another way to build good traffic to your website/blog.If you don't know what Social Bookmarking is "Social Bookmarking is a practise of saving Bookmarks,tagging the posts with keywords in a website".Bookmarking means saving a specific website url(address) in your browser that you wish to visit later.There are so many Social Bookmarking sites likedel.icio.us,digg,furl,technorati. One good thing about these Social bookmarking sites is,you will get instant traffic.Just register with them,store your bookmarks,tags,.. and you are done,See your site meter blasting with traffic. 5.Submit Articles to Article Directories:Submitting articles to article directories is another effective way to build more traffic.By submitting to them,your articles get massive exposure and gain you more traffic. Some of the popular article directories are goarticles.com,ezinearticles.com,articlecity.com,etc. There are hundreds of article directories,just google it. 6.Leaving Comments on other blogs:Leaving comments with a link back to your blog is another good thing to do.Leaving comments in the related blogs is more useful and it also increases your pagerank.Always leave good comments and don't Spam(by placing links like'click here' like that). |
Submit blog to blog directories and increase the traffic Posted: 05 Feb 2014 06:29 PM PST This post explains how to increase your blog traffic by submitting your blog to different kinds of blog directories which rates,provide statistics about your blog and provide free traffic and maximum exposure to your blog. Submitting your blog to these directories is a very good thing to do particularly if your blog is very new one with low traffic. These blog directories have high pageranks than your blog(since your blog is a new one with pagerank Zero).So, if someone searches for a particular keyword,there is more possibility for the blog directory to appear in the results than yours.So,by adding your blog to these directories,the visitors enters these directories containing your articles(when they click the article,they enter your site) and also your blog posts will be indexed little faster.So,submitting your blog to these directories will gain you more traffic. (If your blog is a new one,then put a visitors tracker button in your blog,sothat you will see how many visitors are coming from these directories,from search engines,visitors geolocation,etc). Here are a few popular visitor tracker websites: 1.Histats(histats.com) 2.Sitemeter(sitemeter.com) 3.Statcounter(Statcounter.com) So,let me come to the main topic... Before submitting your blog to these blog directories,my personal suggestion is to create a new email address for this purpose so,your personal emails can't flooded with the emails from the blog directories administrators,etc.)Creating an email is free lol....creat one. Many of these directories asks you to register before submitting blogs. There are so many hundreds of blog directories,here is the list of very good popular directories which will send you maximum traffic. LIST OF POPULAR BLOG DIRECTORIES: Technorati:Technorati is the largest blog(weblog) directory currently tracking more than 112.8 million blogs.Join technorati and verify your authorship,then you will be provided with detailed statistics regarding your blog,how many blogs are linking to your blog,(they call it 'authority').It is one of the best blog directory and will send tons of triffic if your blog is regularly updated. Topblogarea:This is another big blog directory which rates and rank the blogs interms of Unique visitors your blog gets.They start the counting from Zero every week, so that even newly submitted blog can have the chance to rank higher in the list. ![]() ![]() ![]() Fuelmyblog:This is a cool weblog resource which is different from the ones we discussed so far.You can vote to other blogs and others vote to you.They will keep the top six blogs(voted the most) on the homepage.You can join their forums, read other blogs content,joining in the compitetions and win prizes,etc. ![]() MyBloggingarea:This is a very good weblog directory which ranks the blogs accoring to the unique visitors they get,brought me so much traffic to my celebrity blog than all the other blog directories.I recommend this. ![]() BlogCatalog:It is another good blogging resource,you can promote your blog here for FREE,find other blogs related to yours,etc.They have a special formula to rank the blogs,the more visitors,hits,comments,neighbourhood you get the more your rank will be.Another recommended one.You can join their forums,discussion board,groups,etc with other bloggers and share your thoughts. ![]() BloggingFusion:It is a new one and not a very big one(around 950 blogs) at this time.But,it is a good one and doing pretty well.You can increase your blog exposure, worth a link to it. ![]() Bloghop:You can find blogs related to your blog topic here.Have a nice tracking button and currently having more than 29,000 blogs. ![]() Blogarama:Cool weblog directory currently having more than 69,000 blogs.It will list the blogs in terms of the score your blog have.The score depends on so many things like incoming traffic,outgoing traffic,user ratings,etc. and if you send more traffic to they,they will list your blog in the top 100 blogs. ![]() Topbloglists:Another blog directory which will rank your blog according to the unique hits your blog will get. ![]() Myblogdirectory:This doesn't list blogs interms of any visitors,etc. All blogs are listed randomly so,every blog get the same exposure.If you sent more traffic from your blog to them,your blog will be choosen as a BLOG OF THE DAY which will be placed on the homepage and your blog will recieve the whole traffic their site gets on that day. ![]() Blogroll.net:Another blog resouce which rank accorking to the votes and unique hits your blog get. ![]() |
How To Embed-YOUTUBE video,movie in your blog Posted: 05 Feb 2014 06:27 PM PST This post explains, how to embed(insert) a youtube video in your blogger blog: So,you want to embed a video(movie) onto your blog.The process is very simple,even a dummie can do it.If you want to embed your original video,then first sign up for an account inyoutube and upload your video and get the embed code. Otherwise,you can easily embed any public youtube video in your blog.Go to youtube.com and search for the video.For example,if you want to embed a britney spears video,search it and copy the embed code on to a windows notepad or anything else. The following process is explained below with pictures for easy understanding. 1.Go to youtube.com and search for your required video 2.Copy the embeded code(ctrl+c) and paste(ctrl+v) it in windows notepad. 3.Sign in in to your blogger acoount and click the New Post button and next,select the option'Edit html' as shown below and paste the html code as shown below. 4.Publish the post.That's it, as you can see now,the youtube video is embeded in your post properly. NOTE:You can change the width and height of the video by replacing the values to your desirable ones. If you have any doubts regarding to this post,feel free to ask it here via your comments. |
All WPMUdev Plugins Pack - January 2014 Updated Posted: 05 Feb 2014 07:28 AM PST Guaranteed to work, always updated, top quality plugins. Beautifully coded, packed with features and easy to use. Demo: http://premium.wpmudev.org/projects/category/plugins/ http://www.hotfiles.ro/download/wpmudevplugins.rar/1055192 http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/BSQLAY0T/wpmudevplugins.rar_links http://dfiles.eu/files/bvw5tvs8t http://www.myuplbox.com/file/download/1027451 http://www4.zippyshare.com/v/89190259/file.html http://www.share-byte.net/3aoa8w http://www.nowdownload.ch/dl/h4cqn7ldrmd6s http://ul.to/1u0o1p2w http://fisierulmeu.ro/24H0I9GMKJU4/wpmudevplugins-rar.html http://rockdizfile.com/3wgf5v048eih http://www.upl.me/TuRLQg |
Kimmia – MojoThemes Retina Responsive WordPress Theme Posted: 05 Feb 2014 07:27 AM PST Kimmia is an Retina-Ready, Fully Responsive WordPress Theme.Kimmia gives you an awesome premium theme to create your website like portfolio, photography, business, corporate, blog, etc. Kimmia includes Drag & Drop Visual Composer Page Builder value 25$; Premium Revolution Slider value $15 ; premium isotope value 25$; Amazing fancyBox lightbox value 89$ and has a lot of awesome features. Demo: http://www.mojo-themes.com/item/kimmia-retina-responsive-wordpress-theme/ http://www.hotfiles.ro/download/kimmia11.rar/1055197 http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/1RTLTVFF/kimmia11.rar_links http://www.upl.me/9cdIeX http://dfiles.eu/files/v0968prp6 http://www.myuplbox.com/file/download/1027462 http://www19.zippyshare.com/v/95800262/file.html http://www.share-byte.net/Mby4AK http://ul.to/emf3e2os http://fisierulmeu.ro/2485TD610D2D/kimmia11-rar.html http://rockdizfile.com/u7k11w9wckgv http://www.nowdownload.ch/dl/zddkfhpz2d02v |
Heat v1.3 - Themeforest Premium Portfolio WordPress Theme Posted: 05 Feb 2014 07:26 AM PST Heat is a Premium Portfolio WordPress Theme with a very unique layout especially suited for photographers, illustrators, graphic designers, art and creative directors, architects, luxury businesses or bloggers. It's equally adept at showcasing design or photography projects. Its page templates accommodates multiple galleries, each with as many images as you want. Demo: http://themeforest.net/item/heat-premium-portfolio-wordpress-theme/3700508 http://www.hotfiles.ro/download/heat13.rar/1055796 http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/QVJDQQBO/heat13.rar_links http://dfiles.eu/files/ryxsdxiwp http://www.myuplbox.com/file/download/1028127 http://www50.zippyshare.com/v/46508173/file.html http://ul.to/0w96nbdj http://fisierulmeu.ro/246D7YMWJXLP/heat13-rar.html http://rockdizfile.com/umi8screazp6 http://www.share-byte.net/xXYtfW http://www.upl.me/PIL2Jr http://www.nowdownload.ch/dl/mmzsmxotl9y38 |
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