Why iPhone Sales is so Poor in India : Eye Opening Reasons : ShoutMeloud

Why iPhone Sales is so Poor in India : Eye Opening Reasons

Posted: 05 Feb 2014 11:31 PM PST

Steve Jobs would have been very disappointed by the stats of iPhone sales in India; luckily he is not there (died in October 2011 due to pancreatic cancer) to see a dismal performance of worlds of the best mobile phone brand.  The brand Apple surpassed Coca-Cola in October 2013 to become most valuable brand of the world, however, Apple's new CEO Tim Cook still be having nightmares, when it comes to poor sales of iPhone [...]

Why iPhone Sales is so Poor in India : Eye Opening Reasons Is a post from ShoutMeLoud - Shouters Who Inspire

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How to Use Facebook Lookback to Create Facebook Timeline Movie

Posted: 05 Feb 2014 09:53 PM PST

Update: This article is updated to feature latest Lookback feature. Facebook timeline movie maker is not working anymore, but you can take advantage of Lookback feature which is launched by Facbeook for their 10th anniversary. Follow the below mentioned process to create a movie. You must be well aware of the Timeline profile that Facebook announced at the f8 developers meet last year. If you aren’t, the Facebook Timeline is basically a beautiful and colorful representation of [...]

How to Use Facebook Lookback to Create Facebook Timeline Movie Is a post from ShoutMeLoud - Shouters Who Inspire

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(not provided) – The Alternative Path to Organic Keyword Data

Posted: 05 Feb 2014 05:30 PM PST

As a direct result of Google switching to a secure connection (https) and encrypting user searches, we have been witnessing how an increasing amount of keyword data in Google Analytics fell under the (not provided) category. While in November 2011 about 12% of search queries were ‘not provided’, the percentage rose to 50% by August 2013, 80% by December 2013 and is closing in on 100%. (source: http://www.notprovidedcount.com/) Slowly, we reached the moment we were [...]

(not provided) – The Alternative Path to Organic Keyword Data Is a post from ShoutMeLoud - Shouters Who Inspire

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